Structures Solutions
Whether repairing or manufacturing, our smart solutions will save you time, effort and money. Whether you are repairing a small area or shaping a large wing panel, our shot peening equipment is tailored to your projects.

Structures Solutions:
At Shockform, we work closely with all of our customers.
Whether you are a major contractor or an independent MRO, our products meet aeronautical requirements and specifications as well as internal OEM specifications, making us the standard for special impact mechanical surface treatment processes.
Whether it concerns the touch-up of small areas by peening after a rework or corrosion, often carried out using FlapSpeed® Pro or Spiker® or the shot peening or forming of large wing panels or fuselage using SmartPeen®, we offer intelligent equipment that facilitates the technician’s job while providing reports that can be extracted for quality assurance.
OEMs: Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier.